To provide a sustainable, safe, and therapeutic home that nurtures the well-being and thriving of each of our formerly homeless residents.
Update from the Executive Director
Anji Estrellas joined the Casa Milagro team June 2023

I have immensely enjoyed my first year here at Casa Milagro! It has been heartwarming to witness the true miracles that occur in our program. It has been a fruitful year, listening to residents and their ideas, hiring and training new staff, bringing in new funding, creating new operating procedures, working on house upgrades, board development and strategic planning for the future. Casa Milagro is thriving and ready for a successful fundraising season!
Casa Milagro was founded upon the premise that belonging and knowing oneself as a part of larger whole is one of the most powerful healing forces. In this place, we destigmatize mental health disorders and foster acceptance through shared commitments to the simple realities and necessities of community life.


Personal Empowerment
Too commonly, people are not nurtured in being who we really want to be in the world. Instead we are told that we have to fit other people’s expectations above all else. At Casa Milagro, we shape a resident’s service plan around what the resident wants and envisions for their own life. What do you really want? How can we support you in moving towards that?

Artistic Expression
Casa Milagro has had and still has many artists in residence! We have an art room brimming with materials of all kinds of colors and textures, at the ready for anyone looking to express thoughts and feelings in new forms. In the past, residents have shared their art with the wider community through participating in “Inside Out Santa Fe”-- an annual art show featuring the work of artists living with mental illness.
In Memomorium
Tigris, "Tiggy" our beloved house cat of 19 years passed peacefully in his sleep on September 13, 2024. He brought much joy, love and companionship to the residents over the years. He lived a beautiful life and helped to create many miracles in his time with us. We will miss you Tiggy and hold you in our hearts.